Current status under the project “Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise”

In relation to  project “Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise”, which is realized with the financial support of Norway Grants 2014-2021 with Priority field “Green Industry Innovation” for the Program of “Business Development, Innovation and SME’s in Bulgaria”, we inform you about up-to-date status of the project.

Currently, repair works are being carried out in connection with the foundations for placing the cameras. The foundations will be finished by the end of September.

Specified position 1: Machine for automated shot blasting of sheet material and parts – between 13-14.09.22 TM-Technology`s team will approve the camera on site, in Slovenia. Shipping dates will be specified after approval by the company. Installation of the camera will begin at the end of October.

Specified position 2: Combined degreasing, phosphating and drying chamber – Between 12 – 13.09.22, a TM-Technology team will approve the camera on site, in Italy. Shipping dates will be specified after approval by the company.

Specified position 3: Chamber for manual blasting of welded structures – it is located on the company’s site, it was delivered on August 1, 2022. The installation of the camera will begin at the end of September.

Specified position 4: Combined chamber for manual painting and drying of welded structures – it will be shipped on 09/16/22 from Italy.

All positions will be commissioned by the end of April 2023.